Etchings in the Sand…

Thoughts and Photos from the Desert…

9/11 – A Modern Wonder…

I’ve never quite gotten it.

18 Saudis do an amazing job of pirating Airliners, crashing them into New York skyscrapers, taking them down along with some 3,000 people. The Bush government reacts by attacking not the terrorist movements behind the violence but two independent nations.

Six years later we have 30,000 killed and seriously wounded American men and women, not counting a roughly similar number of independent contractors whom we have hired to assist in the invasions. The numbers of Afghans and Iraqis killed and maimed make these numbers seem like nothing in comparison. A few people in government have bullied us into doing a terrible thing.

And, they neither see nor seem to want to find a way of leading us out of the situation.

I don’t get it.

One response to “9/11 – A Modern Wonder…

  1. the individual voice September 12, 2007 at 5:34 am

    We citizens have socks in our mouths and stones in our shoes. We are a broken people. Broken by wealth perhaps. Or our lifetime experiences that what we say or do doesn’t, in the big picture, matter. Our government owns us. Democracy has gotten all twisted around. It’s shameful. Your post should be the headline of the New York Times.

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